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Attendance and Absences

    • Call the school attendance hotline 425-366-2905.
    • Leave a message with your student’s name, reason for absence, date of absence, and parent/guardian's first and last name.
  • Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow logo.



    Being on time and coming to school every day allows students to keep up with daily classroom activities, lessons, assignments, tests, and quizzes, and to complete them on time.


    Other benefits include:

    • Academic Achievement – Students who attend school regularly are more likely to meet grade-level standards on local and state assessments.
    • Opportunities – Regular attendees have opportunities such as access to counselors, participation in field trips, clubs, activities, athletics, and more.
    • Being a member of the school – Students who participate regularly in school feel a sense of belonging and that they are members of something bigger than themselves. They learn teamwork, communication skills, and valuable social skills.
  • In Washington State, school attendance is compulsory from the age of eight to eighteen. Children ages 6 or 7 years are not required to be enrolled in school, however, if they are enrolled, they must attend full-time (RCW 28A.225.010)


    Attendance Policies

    When a student is absent, the school will follow the Mukilteo School District policies and Washington State Law process for absences.

    • All families receive an auto-generated reminder phone call and ParentSquare message on the day of the absence if the school has not received notice from the parent/guardian before 10:00 am.
    • Excused and Unexcused Absences, as well as tardies, will be monitored weekly by the school’s Attendance Team.
    • Families will receive automated letters from the district stating that attendance is becoming a concern at 3, 5, 7, and 10 absences, whether excused or unexcused.
    • After one unexcused absence, the parent/guardian will receive notification of their child’s absence via the school district’s automated messaging system.
    • After three unexcused absences, the school is required to initiate a parent conference to improve the student's attendance.
    • Between the second and before the fifth unexcused absence, the District will take data-informed steps to eliminate or reduce the student’s absences.
    • After five unexcused absences in a month, an administrator will meet with the parent/guardian and student to assess the barriers to school attendance and create an intervention plan. If the parent/guardian is not present for the conference, the school may meet with the student alone. The signed “Attendance Contract” will be sent home to the parent/guardian.
    • After seven unexcused absences in a month, and not later than the 15th unexcused absence during the current school year, the school district shall file a petition for civil action against the parent of the child and will be referred to the Community Engagement Board which is comprised of members of the local community to address excessive absenteeism and truancy.
    • If the student’s attendance does not improve, a truancy court hearing will be requested.


    Pre-Arranged Absence Form

    If a family vacation or travel must occur while school is in session, it must be pre-arranged and submitted at least 1 week before the planned absence. The form is available at the school office or on the MSD website link: Elementary School Pre-Arranged Absence Form PDF.

    Note: The principal (or designee) may only excuse up to five (5) school days per school year for pre-arranged absences. For absences that exceed 20 school days, the child will be withdrawn.